Business Background

  • Area Manager, Eastern Europe (7 countries), selling engineering systems and processing machinery (rubber & plastics), giant machine tools.
  • Senior Sales Representative, Central Pacific, McDonnell Douglas Corp. Selling commercial jetliners to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea.
  • Sales:  microcomputers, mini and mainframe (IBM) computers, 
  • Commercial Officer,  Quebec Govt./Canadian Consulate, Los Angeles.
  • Owner/President. OFF SHORE TRADING, an export company ; VIRGIN FOODS,  an import company. 
  • Sunlight Group, a  commercial entity combining writing/publishing, education, and  select marketing ventures . (Presently active).

Subjects Offered

  • Languages:  French, Spanish…to fluency. Russian…to second year level. First year German.  Chinese…to first year level with me; to fluency with my Chinese daughter.
  • Mathematics: High  School SAT/ACT and precalcus. Statistics and Linear Algebra but only for tutorial help.
  • World and U.S. History and Geography.
  • Economics and Political Science, Intl business, Entrepreneurship, Business modeling.

My Academic Background

The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, B.A. Modern Languages.

University of Paris III-Sorbonne. Paris, France.  M.A. International Relations. 

[French] National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations.

Paris, France. M.A. Russian.

Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California.

Ph.D. Economics-Political Science.


Coastline Community College, Newport Beach, Ca. Principles of Economics.

University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei (Anhui Province), China. Management Economics, Entrepreneurship. Conversational English. (Graduate School level)

National University, Costa Mesa, California. Marketing.


Fourteen years. Varied between college-age, middle and high school and (recently) primary school. Language, History, Math.